14. restitution (英検1級:難解英単語の意味、語源、使い方)


出る順で最短合格! 英検®1級 語彙問題完全制覇」の参考書では「restitution」は「返却、返還」という意味で紹介されています。Goo辞書では「1. 損害賠償、補償、弁償、返還(to,for)2. 回復、復権、復位、復職、復元」という意味であるとしています。


The restitution money was divided among the sufferers by a committee.


There is also the greatest difference in the penalties assigned, reaching from little more than restitution of property to penance of one to five or even fifteen years.




The noun restitution means both “restoring something to its original state” and “returning something to its rightful owner,” like a public apology that leads to the restitution of a person’s honor and reputation. Restitution also has a specific legal meaning — an order given by a judge to a convicted criminal to make amends for the crime. For example, judges often order people to pay restitution for the damage they cause.




Restitution is a court-ordered payment made by the perpetrator of a crime to the victims of that crime. Restitution is meant to restore the crime victim financially to the point they were at prior to the crime.



他にも法的な文脈で「High court overturns Arizona law capping restitution amounts」(DeepL翻訳:高裁、アリゾナ州の返還額制限法を覆す)というタイトルの記事を見つけました。この記事によると:

The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned a state law limiting restitution awards for economic losses caused by certain criminal driving offenses that cause another person to be killed or seriously injured.


AP News

DeepLは「restitution」を「返還」と訳す傾向があるので「賠償」に変更しています。Vancouver Sunのウェブサイトで「Appeal Court halves $500,000 restitution order for high-living fraudster」(DeepL翻訳:控訴裁、高額所得者詐欺師への50万ドル賠償命令を半額に)というタイトルの記事を見つけました。

「high-living fraudster」で「高額所得者詐欺師」なんですね。知りませんでした。このタイトルの次の見出しに以下のようにあります:

B.C. Court of Appeal cut in half a $500,000 restitution order for a fraudster who blew much of what he stole on lavish trips and drugs.


Vancouver Sun


goo辞書の「回復、復権」という定義も気になったので検索してみました。「Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions」というウェブサイトで「What does land restitution mean and how does it relate to the Land Back movement? How does it work in practice?」(DeepL翻訳:土地返還とは何か、ランド・バック運動とどのような関係があるのか。実際にどのように機能するのか?)というタイトルの記事を見つけました。記事の中にはこうあります:

The movement for decolonization is not complete without land restitution for Indigenous people. […] By transferring power and wealth back to Indigenous people, land restitution — which includes the water, natural resources, and infrastructure on the land — supports Indigenous sovereignty.


Interdependence: Global Solidarity and Local Actions

「restitution of sovereignty」(主権の回復)という組み合わせで「restitution」が使用されそうです。以下の例文が見つかりました:

Comprehensive reparations based in international law require the removal of structures built on centuries of illegal acts and aggression, in the forms of transatlantic slavery, colonialism and neo-colonialism. Reparations must also lead to the restitution of sovereignty to African and indigenous peoples globally.


Global Justice

