57. adjudicate (英検1級:難解英単語の意味、語源、使い方)

今日の英単語:adjudicate(ədʒúdikèit ədʒúːdikèit)

出る順で最短合格! 英検®1級 語彙問題完全制覇」の参考書では「(事件など)を裁く」という意味、Weblioでは、「判決を下す、裁定を下す、判決する」という意味です。名詞にすると「adjudication」、「裁き、裁定、判決、裁決」です(Weblio)。

「adjudicate sentence examples」で検索します。sentencedict.comから例文を引用します:

Their purpose is to adjudicate disputes between employers and employees.

It is the chairman’s right to adjudicate on question on which the committee members cannot agree.

He has been asked to adjudicate in the disagreement between the city council and the citizens.



To adjudicate is to act like a judge. A judge might adjudicate a case in court, and you may have to adjudicate in the local talent show.



Do you see a similarity between judge and adjudicate? When you add the common Latin prefix ad meaning “to” or “toward,” you have a pretty good idea what the word means. But a judge isn’t the only person who can adjudicate. If you’re fighting with your little brother or sister and make them cry, your parents may adjudicate and send you to your room.





それではこの「adjudicator」と名詞の「judge」の差はどのようなものでしょうか。Hinative.comで「What is the difference between adjudicator and judge?」という質問を見つけたので、答えを引用します:

Both of the words can be used in similar ways. “Adjudicator” could be used to describe a “mediator” or someone who is able to arbitrate in a dispute or competition. “Judge” is often used to describe a public official who is chosen to decide situations and cases in the court.

DeepL翻訳:どちらの言葉も似たような意味で使うことができます。”Adjudicator “は、”仲介者”や紛争や競争において仲裁することができる人物を表現するために使われることがあります。”Judge “は、裁判所で状況や事件を決定するために選ばれた公務員を表現するためによく使われます。


このHinative.comの説明を読んでいたら、国連が色々な問題を「adjudicate」しているのではないか、と思えたので、「adjudicate “united nations”」で検索してみます。

国連のウェブサイトで「World court continues adjudicating throughout COVID health crisis」(DeepL翻訳:COVIDの健康危機を裁き続ける国際司法裁判所)というタイトルの記事を見つけました。本文にも「adjudicate」があります:

As the principal judicial organ of the UN, the Court adjudicates in accordance with the provisions of international law in legal disputes that arise between States, and provide advisory opinions on legal issues that may be referred to it by the UN and its specialized agencies.



「adjudicate news」で検索してみたら、その名もずばり、「Adjudicate Today」というウェブサイトを見つけました。このサイトの「About Adjudicate Today」を見てみます:

Under security of payment legislation, the governments of NSW, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia A.C.T. and Tasmania have appointed Adjudicate Today to assist industry participants understand how the Acts operate and claim the protections and benefits provided by the Acts. We are also responsible for training and nominating (appointing in WA) the judges (adjudicators) and managing the adjudication process. In Queensland we are the agent for adjudicators.


Adjudicate Today

この「Adjudicate Today」のサイトタイトルの下に「Resolving Building and Construction Disputes」というサブタイトルがあるので、「建築や工事関係の紛争を解決」する目的で「Adjudicate Today」という組織が存在するのでしょう。「Adjudicate Today」では様々な「裁定」が下されそうです。

Judicial Review of Adjudication Determinations After Entry of Judgement?」(DeepL翻訳:判決後の裁決の司法審査は?)という記事では4つの「adjudication」と「adjudicate」を含む文章を見つけました:

Among the orders normally sought in an application for judicial review of an adjudication determination under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002 (Vic) (Victorian SOP Act), is an injunction to restrain the adjudication applicant from enforcing the adjudication determination by seeking an adjudication certificate for the amount adjudicated in its favour from the authorised nominating authority.

DeepL翻訳:建築・建設業支払保証法 2002 (Vic) (Victorian SOP Act) に基づく裁決の司法審査申請で通常求められる命令の中に、裁決申請者が認可された指名当局に自己に有利な裁決金額の裁定証明書を求めることによって裁決を執行することを制限する差し止め命令があります。


やはり、「建設」関連なんですね。試しに「adjudicate construction」で検索してみました。「Adjudication: a quick guide」というサイトでは:

Adjudication is a compulsory dispute resolution mechanism that applies to the construction industry. This note explains what adjudication is, what types of construction disputes it is appropriate for and gives guidance on what to do if you receive a notice of adjudication.


Practical Law

