今日の英単語:pandemonium (pæ̀ndəmóuniəm)
「pandemonium」は「出る順で最短合格! 英検®1級 語彙問題完全制覇」で「地獄、修羅場」、Weblioでは「大混乱、大混乱の場所、伏魔殿」という意味も紹介しています。
「pandemonium」に初めて出会ったのは「Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets」(ハリーポッターと秘密の部屋)でした。
‘Right then,’ Lockhart said loudly. ‘Let’s see what you make of them!’ And he opened the cage.
It was pandemonium. The pixies shot in every direction like rockets.Google翻訳:「それでは」とロックハートは大声で言った。「君がどう思うか見てみよう!」そして檻を開けた。
そこは大混乱だった。妖精たちはロケットのように四方八方に飛び散った。Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (English Edition) (p.107)
「Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix」でも出てきました:
It was not difficult to find. One floor down, pandemonium reigned. Somebody (and Harry had a very shrewd idea who) had set off what seemed to be an enormous crate of enchanted fireworks.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (English Edition) (p.583)
Reports of gunfire trigger pandemonium at North Carolina mall
ASHBURN, Virginia, June 23 (Reuters) – The school board of Virginia’s wealthy Loudoun County had planned to hold a routine meeting to close out the school year. Instead, it was pandemonium.
Google翻訳:バージニア州アッシュバーン、6月23日(ロイター) – バージニア州の裕福なラウドン郡の教育委員会は、学年度を締めくくる定例会議を開く予定だった。ところが、それは大混乱となった。Many of the hundreds of parents who flooded the auditorium in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night were there to accuse the schools of teaching their kids that racism in America is structural and systemic – which the board denies. Some signs read, “Education not indoctrination” and “You don’t end racism by teaching it.”
If you look carefully at the word pandemonium, you’ll see the word demon inside it. This makes sense, since the word pandemonium was coined in Milton’s Paradise Lost, where it was the name of the palace built in the middle of Hell. Milton wrote back in the 17th century. Nowadays, pandemonium crops up whenever journalists are describing a chaotic scene. High school students have been heard to use it to describe their lunchroom.